

  KEEPING AN OUTDOOR FISH POND -3                   Today I will post the last part of keeping an outdoor fish  pond.   Breeding fishes in the pond Fish such as Fighter fish ( Betta Splendens ) will happily spawn in a good pond. So if you would like to spawn one of these, provide a male with several females (he will choose one and spawn). I have written about spawning this fish in another post. ( Life of a fighter fish ). You can read that to know more. Livebearers will very easily spawn, even without you knowing. Young of these can be kept in the pond and they will grow to adults. Fish such as Gouramies might spawn as well. This is quite rare. They will collect various materials and make a shade like nest. It is best to separate the big-mouthed fish so that the eggs or fry are not eaten. juvenile mollies and Betta fish (bred in the pond)   Ill fishes When a fish is ill, separate it in a different place with no plants, as the medications you add might harm the plants. A leaf c


    Keeping an outdoor fish pond -2 last day I posted how to keep an outdoor pond  and I am continuing it.  Adding fishes In a new pond, you will have to wait until its substrate has settled down well. When the water is clear fishes can be added. Make sure to add hardy fishes (not delicate fishes like Discus, Angelfish etc.) I have written some names and photos of fishes that can be added to a pond in the end of this post. Maintaining Maintaining a fish pond is easier than maintaining a fish tank, as it is not needed to clean out the water regularly. Also it will be okay to not feed them for a few days (in a pond that has algae growth), as they will find enough food in the pond itself. If invasive plant species start growing in the pond remove them at once. The plants will grow okay as the decaying materials (rotting leaves, fish waste) will provide them as fertilizer and will get sunlight directly from the sun.   Feeding The fishes can be fed with fish food pellets/ flakes


  Keeping an outdoor fish pond                                                               I am going to write about how to keep an outdoor fish pond today, based on my experience.   Furnishing a pond First the new concrete pond has to be cleaned properly (if the pond is very freshly built, add some water and some natural decaying matter and leave for about 2 weeks, as fresh cement can be poisonous to fish). Then a layer of bottom substrate can be added. Then fill the pond with water. After it has settled, you can start with the other things. A pond can be furnished with aquatic plants, rocks and maybe dead coral pieces that have washed to the shore. You can also keep a non-aquatic wine like plant as it might creep its way into the pond and make a forest appearance. Add a floating plant with leaves that cover the surface of the water. Don’t cover the surface entirely as there has to be room for the fish to swim freely. And a




          CRAYFISH AS A PET  2                                         As part two of crayfish as a pet, I am writing the rest of the crayfish facts.  Feeding a crayfish Feeding a crayfish is pretty much the same as feeding a fish. Just make sure that there is something that reaches the surface of the water so the crayfish can climb up this to reach its food. Try to put most of the food near this climbing source. The crayfish will also use its legs (and rarely, its PINCERS!) to pick up the food that is left out on the bottom. The crayfish can also be fed bits of meat and rotting leaves.   Moulting Once in a while, crayfish shed their shell. They might suddenly fade their colours, this might mean that they are getting ready to moult. They will lose interest in feeding and might just hide away. When this happens, don’t feed them as they won’t feed, and it will just rot the water. Also, supply the crayfish with a number of hiding places as it will choose the best one and moult the


                             CRAYFISH AS A PET Crayfish is a freshwater lobster. They can be kept as pets, in a small or big aquarium made for fish. They are crustaceans with two sharp pincers and antennas. They are quite easy to keep. I have written a little bit on how to keep them (based entirely on my own experience)   making the crayfish's home A few cleaned rocks and a log will do well as substrate for a crayfish aquarium. In a smaller aquarium it is not needed, but something that the crayfish can climb up is needed, as an aerator will not be needed if climbing sources are there. But these will have to be kept firmly as the crayfish likes to change position of its furniture. Add some substrate for the crayfish to hide as well. Gravel or sand is not compulsory, but it will possibly make the aquarium look nicer. And also, as the crayfish can easily slip out of the tank, make sure not to lean the substrate on the wall of the aquarium (above the surface) A cleaned piece of

down to the oceans

                    down to the oceans    This time am going to write about four more oceanic features. Continental shelf This a gently sloping area that borders a continent. It extends offshore from almost nothing to 1000 miles wide and about 180 meters deep. Continental slope This a very steep slope that drops down from the continental shelf. It could be 12 miles wide and 10000 feet deep. Abbysal plane   This is the most level surface of planet Earth. If sediment collects over the rough parts of the ocean floor we call it an abbysal plane. Mid ocean ridges these are continuous mountain chains that can be found in every big ocean. They represent more than 20 percent of Earth’s surface.   (photos are from internet) And with that, I complete DOWN TO THE OCEANS. please keep visiting my blog.  

hydrothermal vents (down to the oceans)

Hydrothermal vents hydrothermal vents As part two of down to the oceans I am going to write about hydrothermal vents.   Hydrothermal vents are chimney like towers that were of course, made naturally. They lead deep into the earth’s surface. Heated chemicals boil up from these natural chimneys in very high temperatures. Strangely in the water that had turned cloudy blue, small bacteria-unseen to the naked eye, and also pale crabs, a type of sea worm and other types of animals lived.    life from hydrothermal vents (photos are from internet)  

Down To The Oceans

                                                                 down                                                to                                                       the                                                             oceans The ocean is a vast & impressive place on Earth. It contains various life forms such as corals, fish, turtles, whales and many more. In one place of the sea bed, you can observe the Earth’s most flat place, and in another, the deepest place in the world. Given below are some features that can be observed in the ocean. ·          TRENCHES ·          CONTINENTAL SHELF ·          CONTINENTAL SLOPE ·          ABBYSAL PLANE ·          MID OCEAN RIDGES ·          HYDROTHERMAL VENTS   I will write some information on each oceanic feature time-to-time. This time I chose to write about trenches.                                              Trenches   Trenches are deepest parts of


  CALL OF THE BIRDS   These are some photos that I captured of different types of birds I have seen. The photos were captured in different times and different days. I am sharing some of them with you.   Following are some photographs of LOTEN’S SUNBIRD. I captured these photos from our home garden.   Next is a photo of a flying PAINTED STORK. This, I captured from our balcony. This is a photo of an ORIENTAL HONEY-BUZZARD. This bird was sitting on a quite far away coconut tree. This next photo is a  WHITE-BELLIED DRONGO. It was moving on the wall of our balcony. This photo is of a SPOTTED DOVE. It was sitting (and also calling) on an electricity cable that is close to our house. A LESSER SRI LANKA FLAMEBACK. This species is endemic to Sri Lanka. This is a COMMON MYNA.   Hope you enjoyed. Will meet again in the next post.