As part two of crayfish as a pet, I am writing the rest of the crayfish facts.
Feeding a crayfish
Feeding a crayfish is pretty much the same as
feeding a fish. Just make sure that there is something that reaches the surface
of the water so the crayfish can climb up this to reach its food. Try to put
most of the food near this climbing source. The crayfish will also use its legs
(and rarely, its PINCERS!) to pick up the food that is left out on the bottom.
The crayfish can also be fed bits of meat and rotting leaves.
Once in a while, crayfish shed their shell.
They might suddenly fade their colours, this might mean that they are getting
ready to moult. They will lose interest in feeding and might just hide away.
When this happens, don’t feed them as they won’t feed, and it will just rot the
water. Also, supply the crayfish with a number of hiding places as it will choose the best one and moult there. Moulting will take some time. But if it takes too long it is best seen whether the crayfish is still okay, or if it couldn’t complete the process of
moulting. If the crayfish is disturbed while it is moulting, it might not be
able to complete the process and die. After moulting, the crayfish might eat
the old shell, an exact replica of itself. After the crayfish renews its colour
and starts eating again, it is okay to remove the exo-skeleton, or remains of it from
the aquarium. removing this is not compulsory, as the crayfish will eat it, but if you don't like to leave it there, you can remove it.
Habits of a crayfish
Colourful crayfishes!
Crayfishes come in a variety of colours,
electric blue, orange, red etc.

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