Today's afternoon bird watching


Today’s (October 2 2021) evening was full of animals. They were mostly birds. At about maybe 4. 45, birds flew and had sang everywhere. Birds such as Tailor Birds, Red Vented Bulbuls, Black Robins, Rose-ringed Parakeets, Purple Rumped Sunbirds, Spotted Doves, Blue Tailed Bee-eaters, White-Bellied Drongos, Mynas, Yellow Billed Babblers, a Sri Lanka Lesser Flameback and a Green Imperial Pigeon was there.

 White-bellied Drongo

 Purple- rumped Sunbird, Male

Tailor Bird

Purple-rumped Sunbird, Female
 Green Imperial Pigeon

Blue Tailed Bee-eater

Lesser Sri Lanka Flameback

the Sri Lanka Lesser Flameback, two Spotted Doves and the Blue Tailed bee-eater are all seen here.

Yellow Billed Babblers

Green Imperial Pigeon


 Red Vented Bulbul

 Common Mynas

Black Robin

And a Common Squirrel.


I took all these photos. hope you enjoy it.  


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