Life of a Fighter fish
Life of a Fighter fish Life for a baby Fighter fish (Betta Splendens is the scientific name) starts from a small egg, spawned out of the female Fighter fish. The male Fighter fish first makes a bubble nest under a leaf. He spends all day making it. male with his bubble nest (this is actually a photo of a male with babies hanging in the bubble nest). The next day he leads the female under his bubble nest. then he and she spawns. The male curls around the female tightly to expel her eggs out. spawning Small, white colour eggs come out. Then the male picks up the falling eggs in his mouth. Then he coats them with saliva and attaches them in the bubble nest. The female spends about 1 minute on the surface of the water, looking like she is dead. Then she starts to move. She goes to help the male pick up the eggs. But she c...
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