a red vented bulbul's life (2)

Once again, a bulbul comes to our house. We tried chasing the bird, but he kept coming inside. The birds made a nest on the curtains again. From some days after the bulbuls ware finished making their nest, one day we saw one bird was sitting on the nest, that means…..they have laid eggs. The bulbuls ware sitting on the nest more days than last time. They were sitting on the nest more than a week. One day we saw one adult bird was bringing food. We started to think the eggs hatched. The eggs have hatched. Because they kept bringing food. They fed the chicks. One day I saw one chick who was screeching it’s wings a bit. That chick’s wings was already ready to fly. Another day, when the adult bird was feeding I saw one chick was way smaller than the other 2. A bit later in the same day I was in the sofa. I saw the adult birds ware doing something together. then I saw something gre...